Privacy Policy

The present privacy policy informs you and defines the manner in which La Normandie d’Amandine – Amandine EUDES uses and protects information which you communicate to her where necessary when you use the present site accessible from the URL:

Identity of the Person Responsible for Processing 

La Normandie d’Amandine – Amandine EUDES

1- Nature of Data Collected

In the context of using the Site, is likely to collect the following types of data concerning its Users:  civil status, identity, identification, etc.

2- Communication of Personal Data to a Third Party.
No communication of personal data to third parties
Your data is not the subject of any communication with a third party. You are nonetheless informed if it may be divulged in application of a law, regulation, or as the result of a decision by a competent regulating or judicial authority.

3- Information prior to the Communication of Personal Data to a Third Party in the Event of Fusion or Buy-Out.
Prior information and the possibility of opting out before and after fusion or acquisition by a third party.
In the event that we participate in an operation of fusion, acquisition by a third party or any other form of ceasing activity, we commit to guaranteeing the confidentiality of your personal data and informing you before this is transferred or submitted to new confidentiality regulations. 

4- Accumulation and Combination of Data;
Combination with non-personal data.
We are able to publish, divulge and use combined information (information pertaining to all of our Users or groups or specific categories of Users which we combine so that no single User can be identified or mentioned) and non-personal information in order to analyze the sector and market, demographic profile, for purposes of promotion and publicity, as well as other commercial purposes.

 Combination and accumulation with personal data available on the User’s social accounts. 
If you connect your account to an account of another service in order to do cross mailing or postings, the said service may communicate your profile, connection, and any other information to us that you have authorized it to divulge. We may combine the information pertaining to all of our Users, groups, accounts, with personal data available about the User.

5- Collecting Data on Identity

Open Consultation 
Visiting or consulting the Site does not require preliminary signing in or identification. It can be done without you communicating any nominative data concerning yourself (surname, first name, address, etc.). We do not engage in any retention of nominative data upon simple visiting or consulting the Site.

6- Collecting Identification Data

When selling tickets, La Normandie d’Amandine is liable to collect your data. 
Only your electronic login details will be used for this purpose.

7- Collecting Device Data

No collection of technical data.
We do not collect or conserve any technical data concerning your device (Intellectual Property address, Internet browser…)

8- Cookies
Length of time cookies are kept.
In accord with the recommendations of CNIL (National Information Science and Liberties Commission), the maximum length of time cookies will be kept is 13 months maximum starting with the first time they are placed on the User’s device, as is the length of validity of the User’s consent to the use of these cookies.

Cookie life length is not extended with each visit. Therefore User’s consent should be renewed at the end of this period.

Purpose of cookies

Cookies can be used for statistical purposes, namely to optimize services provided to the User, based on the handling of information concerning access frequency, personalization of pages, as well as actions taken and information consulted. 
You are informed when the Editor is likely to place cookies on your device. The cookie records information related to navigation on the service (pages you have visited, date and time of visit…) which we can read during your subsequent visits.

Right of the User to Refuse Cookies

You acknowledge that you have been informed that the Editor may use cookies. If you do not wish cookies to be placed on your device, most browsers allow you to deactivate the cookies via setting options.

9 – Conserving Technical Data

Length of time technical data is stored. Technical data is kept only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the above-listed purposes. 

10- Time Period in which Personal and Anonymous Data is Conserved

Conservation of data during the contractual relationship.
In accord with article 6-5° of Law no. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 pertaining to information technology,  files and liberties, handled data of a personal nature is not kept beyond the time necessary for executing the obligations defined during the finalizing of the contract or the predefined time span of the contractual relationship.

Conservation of data rendered anonymous beyond the contractual relation / after deletion of the account.

We keep personal data strictly for the period necessary to realizing the purposes described in the present Confidentiality Policy. Beyond that period, data is rendered anonymous and conserved exclusively for statistical purposes, and will not be subject to any type of exploitation whatsoever.

Deleting data after deletion of the account
In order to anticipate deletion of data, the means to purge it is established so as to be effective as soon as the necessary period of conservation or archiving has been achieved for accomplishing the determined or imposed purposes. In accord with Law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, pertaining to information technology, files, and freedom, you have the right which you can exercise at any moment by contacting the Editor to delete your data.

Deletion of data after 3 years of inactivity
For security reasons, if you are not authenticated on the Site for a period of three years, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to connect as soon as possible, otherwise your data will be deleted from our data bases.

11- Deleting the Account Upon Request.

The User has the possibility of deleting their Account at any time by simple request to the Editor, via the address: OR through the Delete menu of the present Account in the Account settings, if needs be.

Deletion of the account in the event Privacy Policy is violated
In the event that one or more conditions of the Privacy Policy or any other document incorporated in the present one as reference is violated, the Editor reserves the right to end or restrict without any prior warning and at her sole discretion, your use and access to services, to your Account, and to all of the Sites.

12- Indications in case of Security Failure Detected by the Editor

Information for the User in the event of a security failure.
We pledge to employ all the appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee an appropriate level of security in terms of risks of accidental, unauthorized or illegal access, divulgation, alteration, loss, or destruction of personal data which concerns you. In the event that we become aware that illegal access to personal data concerning you stocked on our servers or those of our providers, or of unauthorized access which leads to the realization of the above-mentioned risks, we pledge to:

Notify you of the incident as rapidly as possible ;

Examine the causes for the incident and keep you informed;

Take the necessary measures within reasonable limits in order to reduce any negative effects or harm that could result from said incident.  

Limits of Responsibility.
Under no circumstances, can the engagements defined above relative to notification in case of a security failure be assimilated with any recognition of fault or responsibility as to the occurrence itself of the incident in question.

13- Transfer of Personal Data Abroad

No transfer outside of the European Union
The Editor pledges that personal data of her Users will not be transferred outside of the European Union.

14- Changes in Privacy Policy

In the event of changes to the present Privacy Policy, we pledge not to lower the level of confidentiality in any substantial manner without informing the concerned parties beforehand.

We pledge to inform you in case of substantial changes to the present Privacy Policy and not to lower the level of confidentiality of your data in any substantial manner without informing you and receiving your consent.

15- Applicable Laws and Means of Recourse

Application of the French National Information Science and Liberties Commission (CNIL) Laws and legal jurisdictions

The present Privacy Policy and your use of the Site are regulated and interpreted according to French laws, notably Law no. 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, concerning information technology, files, and liberties. The choice of applicable law does not diminish your rights as a consumer under the laws applicable to your place of residence. If you are a consumer, you and we accept to submit to non-exclusive French jurisdictions, which means that you can undertake an action related to the present Privacy Policy in France or in the country in the EU in which you live. If you are a professional, all actions taken against us must be taken in a jurisdiction in France.

What about clients who live outside of the EU?

In case of litigation, the parties will seek an amiable solution before any judiciary action. In the event that these attempts fail, then all challenges, even concerning the validity, interpretation, and/or execution of the Privacy Policy, or in the event of multiple defenders or of guarantee claims, must be taken before French tribunals. 

16- Data Portability

The Editor pledges to give you the possibility to have the totality of data restored to you upon simple request. The User is thus guaranteed better control of his/her data, and retains the possibility of reusing it. This data should be furnished in an open and easily reusable format.

The present privacy policy defines and informs you of the means by which La Normandie d’Amandine – Amandine EUDES uses and protects information which you transmit to her if need be, when you use the present site accessible at the URL: